Magnesium Acetate Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Magnesium Acetate Formula consists of elements Magnesium, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Magnesium is the lightest structural element present in group 2 of the periodic table. It is one of the alkaline earth metals. Its atomic number is 12 and is represented with the symbol Mg. Carbon is a nonmetal present in group-14 of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 6 and is represented by the symbol C. Hydrogen is the lightest, colorless, odorless, tasteless, and flammable gas. Its atomic number is 1 and is represented by the symbol H. Oxygen is a highly reactive nonmetal present in group-16 of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 8 and is represented by the symbol O.

Magnesium Acetate

Magnesium Acetate is the magnesium salt of the Acetate. The appearance of magnesium acetate compound is White Hygroscopic crystals. It exists in two forms- Anhydrous and hydrous form. The chemical formula for anhydrous Magnesium acetate is Mg(CH3COO)2 and for hydrous compounds, the molecular formula is Mg(CH3COO)2.4H2O. Magnesium acetate is a zero health hazard compound but a few precautions need to be taken while handling it like wearing gloves and goggles because it causes irritation on contact.

Preparation of Magnesium Acetate

  • Magnesium Acetate is synthesized by a reaction between Acetic Acid and Magnesium Hydroxide. Its chemical reaction of it is given below-

2CH3COOH + Mg(OH)2 ⇢ Mg(CH3COO)2 + 2H2O

  • When metallic Magnesium reacts with Acetic Acid which is dissolved inside the dry benzene produces Magnesium Acetate and Hydrogen gas.

Mg + 2CH3COOH ⇢ Mg(CH3COO)2 + H2

  • Magnesium Acetate can also be prepared by suspending the magnesium carbonate in distilled water with 20 percent of the acetic acid solution.

MgCO3 + 2CH3COOH ⇢ Mg(CH3COO)2 + CO2 + H2O

Structure of Magnesium Acetate

Magnesium Acetate Structure

Physical Properties of Magnesium Acetate

  • The appearance of Magnesium Acetate is White Hygroscopic crystals.
  • The melting point of Magnesium Acetate is 80°C.
  • The molecular weight of Magnesium Acetate is 142.394 g/mol.
  • The density of Magnesium Acetate is 1.45 g/cm3.
  • It has a similar smell to acetic acid.

Chemical Properties of Magnesium Acetate

  • Magnesium Acetate is soluble in water.
  • Magnesium Acetate reacts with Hydrochloric acid to produce Magnesium Chloride and Acetic acid. The reaction of it is given below-

Mg(CH3COO)2 + 2HCl → MgCl2 + 2CH3COOH

  •  The aqueous solution of Magnesium Acetate (Mg(CH3COO2)2) has an alkaline pH.

Uses of Magnesium Acetate

  • Magnesium Acetate is used in offset printing.
  • It is used as a catalyst in polyester film production.
  • Magnesium Acetate is used as a dialysis solution.
  • It is used in the dyeing of ceramic tiles and textiles.
  • Magnesium Acetate is used as the common source of magnesium in biological reactions.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What are the safety precautions taken while handling the Magnesium acetate.


Magnesium acetate on contact cause irritation. So use Goggles, gloves while handling. It absorbs moisture. So please keep away from water. Do not mix Magnesium acetate with oxidizers since they are incompatible.

Question 2: What is a hygroscopic compound?


Hygroscopic compound can readily absorb water from its surrounding. So any hygroscopic compound must be stored away from the water. Methanol, Ethanol, Magnesium acetate, honey etc. comes under hygroscopic compounds.

Question 3: Find the molecular weight of Magnesium acetate?


The chemical formula of Magnesium acetate is Mg(CH3COO)2

  • Atomic weight of a Magnesium = 24.305
  • Atomic weight of each Carbon atom = 12.011
  • Atomic weight of each Hydrogen atom = 1.00784 
  • Atomic weight of each Oxygen atom = 15.999 

Molar mass = 24.305 + (4 × 12.011) + (6 × 1.00784) + (4 × 15.999)


Question 4: Give any one way to prepare the Magnesium acetate?


When Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 reacts with acetic acid CH3COOH, produces Magnesium Acetate Mg(CH3COO)2. The chemical reaction is given below-

Mg(OH)2 + 2CH3COOH → Mg(CH3COO)2 + 2H2O

Question 5: What is CMA?


CMA stands for Calcium Magnesium Acetate. It is a combination of Calcium Acetate and Magnesium Acetate. This is an environmentally friendly substitute for sodium chloride (NaCl) and calcium chloride (CaCl2).

Question 6: What are the uses of Magnesium acetate?


Magnesium acetate is a common source of Magnesium. It acts as catalyst in polyester film production. It is used in offset printing, dyeing. It removes the harmful gases like NO2 and CO2.

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