Libsys Interview Experience

Libsys visited our campus on Sept’18. The process was scheduled for two days, first day being the elimination round, which took place in our campus, and the second day, the shortlisted students from the elimination round were called for on-site interview(in their campus).  There were a total of five rounds. Elimination round consisted of two rounds and on-site interview further included three rounds. 

Round 1: 
This round consisted of Aptitude and technical questions. There were a total of 75 minutes to solve 50 or 55 questions. Time was not an issue as such. Aptitude section was typical aptitude questions, like the questions you would find on IndiaBix. A good aptitude  and a little practice is all you need to walk through these questions. Technical section was comparatively challenging. It consisted of java i/o,   SQL, computer networks questions. The main focus was on your basics. You should be good with your oops concepts to solve java questions. My SQL part is quite weak, so i won’t comment on that part. All in all, this was a fine round, as a student with his/her basics clear can clear this round with ease. 

40-50 students appeared for this round and around 30 made it to round 2. 
Tips : Aptitude should neither be underestimated nor overestimated. Sometimes it can get you to the next round, sometimes, it can make you stuck to the same round for several times. Think about it. 

Round 2: 
This was a coding round. We were given 5 questions, and we were supposed to code it in some editor. It wasn’t a compiler for sure, it was more like a notepad, provided by Libsys itself. 60 minutes were given to solve these questions. 

Question 1 : Integer to Roman Numeral.                                                                            

Input : n (1 <= n <= 3000).                                                                                

Output : Corresponding roman numeral for given n. 

Questions 2 : Check whether the brackets are balanced or not. (It is the standard stack problem). 

Question 3 :  Pascal Triangle. (Another standard problem). 

Question 4 : Vertical sum of Binary Tree. (Yet another standard problem). 

Question 5 : Given two linked lists, return their union and intersection. 

Around 6 students made it to round 3. 

Tips : I would highly recommend to use comments while writing the code. Since there are no test cases upon which your code will be checked, so providing comments will give more clarity to your code. Also, while solving linked list and trees questions, if you have sufficient amount of time, you can create your node class.  

Round 3: 

This was a face to face technical round. Since i solved all the questions from the previous round, i was quite confident going to this round. The interviewer was also eased the environment to an extent. The interview started with data structures. 

Question 1: Diameter of tree. O(n) solution was expected. 

I started with O(n^2) solution and further optimised it to O(n) using pair class. 

Question 2: Reverse linked list in groups. 

I provided a recursive solution and he was satisfied with the solution. 

Question 3 : Find all permutations of string(Standard backtacking problem). 

There were much more questions from data structures and algorithms which i am unable to recall as of now. 

He then went on to ask one DBMS question. The question was based on normalisation. My dbms  part is quite weak. So i told him that i am not that comfortable with dbms as i studied it in my 2nd year. He then asked a puzzle and concluded this round. The puzzle was a famous 9 dot puzzle. 

This round went well. And i was called for next round. 

2 students were further called for this round. 

Tips : They mainly focused on your problem solving skills. My round went for around 1.15 hr and the main focus was only on data structures. Do standard questions from all the topic such as linked list, trees, backtracking. There are high chances that either of the question will land up on your sleeve. 

Round 4 :  

This round was more or less all about my java skills. As this company has most of their projects in java and i mentioned java as my programming language, it was no-brainer where this round will be headed. 

The interviewer started with exception handling, interface. He tried to trick me a lot and to be honest he managed to do it as well. Though i was giving the answers correctly, but the confidence was lacking as the interviewer was the senior manager of the company and possessed high skillset in java.  He then concluded this round with one pattern question and a puzzle. 

This round went fine. Not as good as previous one. 

Round 5 (HR) : 

This round went for about 15-20 minutes. This round included basic hr questions. 

Finally we both were selected. Beginner for Beginner is an awesome platform to prepare for interviews. You can find almost everything in here. Thankyou and best of luck to all. ?

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