Libsys Interview Experience 2019 (On-Campus)

Round 1 : It was a 75 min test consisting of 25 Technical MCQ and 25 Aptitude MCQ. 

Round 2: It was a 1 hour coding test consisting of 5 questions. Just write the logic. 
Print pattern. 

3 2 
4 5 6 
10 9 8 7 
11 12 13 14 15 
2. Given a linked list, 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – null, modify it to 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 4 – null i.e take first element and join it with last element, take second element join it with second last element and so on. 

3. Given a binary tree, calculate the sum of boundary nodes. 
4. Given a string, ab3c4, find the nth character after decryption. Decryption process is, ab3c4 -> abababc4 -> abababcabababcabababc 

5. Given a string, find all distinct permutations. 

Round 3: Technical Interview 1 
What is polymorphism? 
What is compile time and run time polymorphism ? 
How compile time and run time polymorphism is achieved ? 
What is overriding ? 
What is virtual functions ? 
What is abstract class ? 
Given an array containing numbers from 1 to 100, every element is present only once, only one element is present twice, find that element. 
Given an array, array contains numbers within its index range and the array contains duplicates elements, find all duplicates. 
Basic questions on pointers. 
Given a number represented as linked list, add 1 to it. 
Which one is better and why ? queue using linked list and queue using array. 
Stack vs queue 
What is a binary tree ? 
Find height of binary tree. 
Given a node, find its level. 
Print top view of a binary tree. 
Print left view of a binary tree. 
Print left view without using Level order traversal. 
Print right view of binary tree. 
Find diameter of binary tree. 
One puzzle 

Round 4: Technical Interview 2 

Circular queue full and empty condition. 
Practical use of tree 
Evaluate infix expression. 
Reverse linked list in group of size 2. 
One puzzle and 2-3 modification on it. 

Round 5: HR round 

Family background, Bond, future plans, higher education etc. 

Verdict : Selected

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