XIRA Tool installation on Kali Linux

Step 1: To install this program on a Kali Linux machine, run the command below.

git clone https://github.com/xadhrit/xira.git


Step 2: To use the tool, you must first navigate to the appropriate directory and then run the tool script.

cd xira


Step 3: Run the command below to install all of the necessary packages for the NXcrypt utility to run.

chmod +x xira.py


Step 4: Check the installation with the command below, then read the tool’s help page for further information.

python3 xira.py -h


XIRA – XSS Vulnerablity Scanner

XIRA is a clever XSS detection tool that looks for reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities using human methodologies. This tool based on python3 is a Python-based automated cyber-security program that can search for queries, and identify XSS  vulnerabilities. XIRA Tool, You can use the GitHub platform for free, and it’s an open-source tool, so you can contribute to it. 

Note: Make sure you have Python3 installed on your Kali Linux system because XIRA is a python-based application. To see how to install Python on Linux, go to Steps for installing Python on Linux.

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