Working with Turbolist3r Tool on Kali Linux

Example 1: To enumerate subdomains of a specific domain, perform advanced analysis, and save the analysis to a file

python3 -d -a –saverdns analysis_file.txt

1. In this example, We will be Enumerating subdomains of and getting a detailed analysis of the subdomains. 

2. In the below Screenshot, You can see that Subdomains are detected about the main domain

3. In the below Screenshot, You can see that we have got the CNAME record of each subdomain identified.

4. In the below Screenshot, You can see that the results are stored in the text file.

Example 2: Read subdomains from a file and perform advanced analysis on them

python3 -d -a –inputfile /home/kali/Desktop/subdomains.txt

1. In this example, We will be performing advanced analysis of subdomains provided in the form of a file.

2. In the below Screenshot, Our scanning process is started.

3. In the below Screenshot, We have got the results of our advanced analysis scan of subdomains provided in the form of a text file.

Example 3: To enumerate subdomains of a specific domain

python3 -d

1. In this example, We will be enumerating simple Subdomain Identification on the domain.

2. In the below Screenshot, We have got unique 99 subdomains of

Example 4: To enumerate subdomains of a specific domain and save discovered subdomains to a file

python3 -d -o example_hosts.txt

1. In this Example, We will save the subdomains in the text file.

2. In the below Screenshot, You can see that the Subdomains are saved in the text file.

Example 5: To enumerate subdomains of a specific domain and show the results in realtime

python3 -v -d

1. In this Example, We will perform the enumeration in a realistic way. All the processes will be shown in real time.

2. In the below Screenshot, You can see that we have got the subdomains along with the source from which it is extracted.

Example 6: To enumerate subdomains and use specific engines such Google, Yahoo, and Virustotal engines

python3 -e google,yahoo,virustotal -d

1. In this Example, We will enumerate subdomains and use specific engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Virustotal engines.

2. In the below Screenshot, We have got the subdomains only from Google, Yahoo, and Virustotal engines.

Turbolist3r – Subdomain enumeration tool

Subdomain Enumeration is the crucial step for expanding the target scope. The functionality or features cannot be compressed in a single domain so the subdomains are created to split the functionality. These Subdomains can have some crucial information about the target domain. So to detect this Subdomains automation should be done, as Manual identification becomes complex. Turbolist3r is the tool for Subdomain enumeration. It is the fork of the tool Sublist3r. This tool also allows brute-forcing of the subdomains using the subbrute tool utility. Turbolist3r queries public DNS servers for every discovered subdomain. Turbolist3r tool is an automated script designed in the Python language. Turbolist3r tool is open-source and free to use.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process: Python Installation Steps on Linux

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