Working with See-SURF Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example 1: Run with default threads=10, no cookies/session, and NO verbose mode 

python3 -H

This is the basic usage of the See-SURF tool.

Example 2: Space separate Cookies can be supplied for an authenticated session crawling 

python3 -H -c cookie_name1=value1 cookie_name2=value2

We can pass the cookies values in the -c flag.

Example 3: Supplying no. of threads and verbose mode (Verbose Mode Is Not Recommended If You Don’t Want To Spend Longer Time But The Possibility Of Bug Finding Increases)

python3 -H -c cookie_name1=value1 cookie_name2=value2 -t 20 -v

For getting the output in a more readable format we can use the -v flag.

See-SURF – Python Based Scanner To Find Potential SSRF Parameters

SSRF(Server-side request forgery) is a trending vulnerability identified in most web applications in which attackers can cause server-side applications to make HTTP requests to arbitrary domains or subdomains. See-SURF tool is an automated approach cyber security tool that can find the potential SSRF parameters in the web application by crawling the website. This tool is developed in the Python language and is also available on the GitHub platform for free. This tool can be used as a scanner in the phase of Vulnerability Scanning.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process: Python Installation Steps on Linux

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