Working with Nettacker Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example 1: Read targets from a list

python3 -l targets.txt -m all -x port_scan -g 20-100 -t 5 -u root -p 123456,654321,123123

Example 2: Finding clickjacking_vuln

python3 -i -m clickjacking_vuln

Example 3: Scan subdomains

python3 -i -s -m port_scan -t 10 -M 35 -g 20-100 –graph d3_tree_v2_graph

Example 4: Scan the IP range automatically by getting the range from the RIPE database online

python3 -i -s -r -m port_scan -t 10 -M 35 -g 20-100 –graph d3_tree_v2_graph

Example 5: Use * pattern for selecting modules

python3 -i -m *_vuln

Example 6: Use profiles for using all modules inside a given profile

python3 -i –profile information_gathering

Example 7: Use socks proxy for outgoing connections

python3 -i -m clickjacking_vuln -T 5 –socks-proxy socks://

Example 8: Get the list of all modules with details

python3 --show-all-modules

Nettacker – Automated Penetration Testing Framework

Vulnerability Scanning is the process of detection of security flaws in the Web-based Application. We can perform automated Scanning using various tools. OWaASP has a project named Nettacker which is built to automate the various phases like Information Gathering, Enumeration, Scanning, Vulnerability Scanning, etc. Along with this Nettacker tool eventually generates a report for networks, including services, bugs, vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other information. Nettacker tool is developed in the Python Language and available on the GitHub platform. Nettacker tool is open-source and free to use the tool. Nettacker tool supports bypassing of Firewall/IDS/IPS devices on the target server.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process – Python Installation Steps on Linux

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