Working with Goblyn Tool on Kali Linux OS

Example: Extracting Metadata from

sudo goblyn -t -wl /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt –file-types=ALL

We have displayed the contents of word-lists which will be enumerated to find directories and files.

We have given the command in which we have specified the target as, we have given the absolute path of word-list and we have given the file type as ALL. You can also specify the file type as .pdf, .png, and many more.

The tool has started the process of extracting metadata.

We have the link of the file and the details of that file. 

You can see that detailed information about the file is been displayed in the below screenshot.

We have opened one of the file on the web browser which is a XML file.

Goblyn – Enumeration and capture of website files metadata

Metadata can consist of some sensitive information. steganography is the technique in which the sensitive data is been hidden into pdf, png, or sometimes video files. So to get this metadata we can use various automated tools. Goblyn tool is a python language-based tool that can extract the various types of files from target domains like .pdf,.xml and also display its information like size, permissions, encoding, MIME type, and many more. Sometimes this information can give sensitive data like usernames and passwords. This tool is also available on the GitHub platform for free.

Note: Make Sure You have Python Installed on your System, as this is a python-based tool. Click to check the Installation process: Python Installation Steps on Linux

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