Working with Firebase Realtime Database

1. Writing Data

  • To write data to Firebase Realtime Database, use the set method. This example demonstrates how to write user data to the database:
function writeUserData(userId, name, email) {
firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId).set({
username: name,
email: email
// Example usage
writeUserData('1', 'John Doe', '');

Explanation: The writeUserData function writes user data to the Firebase Realtime Database. It takes three parameters: userId, name, and email. It creates or updates a user entry in the users node of the database with the provided userId, setting the username and email fields. The example usage demonstrates calling the function to store data for a user with ID 1, name John Doe, and email

2. Reading Data

To read data from Firebase Realtime Database, use the once method to read data once or the on method to listen for changes in the data.

Reading Data Once:

function readUserData(userId) {
const userRef = firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId);
userRef.once('value').then((snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();

// Example usage

Explanation: The readUserData function reads the data for the user with the specified userId from the users node in the Firebase Realtime Database. It uses the once method to retrieve the data once and logs the retrieved data to the console. The example usage retrieves and logs data for the user with ID 1.

Listening for Data Changes:

function listenForUserData(userId) {
const userRef = firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId);
userRef.on('value', (snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();

// Example usage

Explanation: The listenForUserData function sets up a real-time listener on the users node in the Firebase Realtime Database for the specified userId. It uses the on method to listen for any changes to the data. When the data changes, the new data is retrieved and logged to the console. The example usage sets up a listener for changes to the user data for the user with ID 1.

3. Updating Data

To update specific fields in your data without overwriting the entire node, use the update method:

function updateUserData(userId, email) {
const updates = {};
updates['/users/' + userId + '/email'] = email;


// Example usage
updateUserData('1', '');

Explanation: The updateUserData function creates an updates object with the path to the user’s email (/users/{userId}/email) as the key and the new email address as the value. It then uses the update method of the Firebase Realtime Database to update the specified user’s email address. The example usage updates the email address for the user with ID 1 to

4. Deleting Data

To delete data from Firebase Realtime Database, use the remove method:

function deleteUser(userId) {
firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId).remove()
.then(() => {
console.log('User removed successfully.');
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error removing user:', error);

// Example usage

Explanation: The deleteUser function removes the user with the specified userId from the users node in the Firebase Realtime Database. It uses the remove method to delete the user and handles the success and error cases using then and catch methods respectively. The example usage deletes the user with ID 1.

Firebase Realtime Database

Firebase Realtime Database is a powerful NoSQL cloud database that enables realtime data storage and synchronization across all clients. It’s particularly suited for applications requiring live updates, such as chat apps and collaborative tools.

By following the setup instructions and using the provided examples we can take help of Firebase Realtime Database to build efficient and interactive web applications that meet the demands of modern real-time data needs.

In this article, We will learn about Firebase Realtime Database and how to Setting Up Firebase Realtime Database in detail.

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