Working with CRLFuzz Tool on Kali Linux

Example 1: Single URL

crlfuzz -u ""

In this example, we will be performing a CRLF Vulnerability scan on our target domain -u tag is used to specify the domain URL.

Example 2: GET Method

crlfuzz -u "" -X "GET"

In this example, we will be changing the method of Scan from POST to GET method. -X tag is used to specify the method of the scan.

Example 3: Silent

crlfuzz -u "" -s

In this example, we will be performing a silent scan. In Silent Scan only the vulnerable targets will be displayed. As is a secure Website, the tool has not detected any vulnerable target. 

Example 4: Verbose

crlfuzz -u "" -v

1. In this example, we will be displaying the verbose or detailed output of our scan. -v tag is used to display output in verbose mode.

2. In the below Screenshot, we have got the detailed reason why the query was not executed on the target.

Example 5: Version

crlfuzz -V

In this example, we will be displaying the version of the CRLFuzz tool. -V tag is used to display the version of the tool.

Example 6: URLs from a list

crlfuzz -l target.txt

1. In this Example, we are scanning the targets from the text file. In the below Screenshot, We have displayed the targets.txt file.

2. In the below Screenshot, we have got the results of our Scan.

Example 7: From Stdin

sublist3r -d | crlfuzz

In this example, We are using the crlfuzz tool with the sublist3r tool.

Example 8: Data

crlfuzz -u "" -X "POST" -d "data=body"

In this example, we are using the -d tag for using the custom data.

Example 9: Adding Headers

crlfuzz -u “” -H “authtoken:dba9cad7701495309c43f93e6bd1b3d2”

In this Example, we are adding the Header to the request by using the -H tag.

Example 10: Using Proxy

crlfuzz -u "" -x

In this example, we are using the proxy server specified in the -x tag.

Example 11: Concurrency

crlfuzz -l target.txt -c 50

In this example, we are changing the concurrency value. Concurrency is the number of fuzzing at the same time

Example 12: Output

crlfuzz -l target.txt -o results.txt

In this Example, we are saving the results in the text file. We have used the -o tag for saving the results.

In the below Screenshot, we are displaying the results .txt file.

Example 13: Library

go run library.go

1. In this example, we are using CRLFuzz as a library.

2. In the below Screenshot, we are running the file.

CRLFuzz – A Linux Tool To Scan CRLF Vulnerability Written in Go

CRLF injection is a software application coding vulnerability that occurs when an attacker injects a CRLF character sequence where it is not expected. Checking the CRLF Vulnerability manually on the target domain becomes very complicated. So there should be an automated approach for studying the vulnerability. CRLFuzz is a computerized tool designed in the Golang language that scans the CRLF Vulnerability target with a single click. CRLFuzz tool is open-source and free to use. 

Note: As CRLFuzz is a Golang language-based tool, so you need to have a Golang environment on your system. So check this link to Install  Golang in your system. – Installation of Go Lang in Linux

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