Working of Microservices Communication with Apache ActiveMQ

Message Production

  • The producer service can creates the message and sends it to the specific queue or topic on the ActiveMQ broker.
  • The producer does not need to know the details of the consumer services and it can only needs to the know queue or topic name.

Message Queuing

  • ActiveMQ can stores the message in the designated queue or topic.
  • If consumer service is not available then the ActiveMQ can holds the message until the consumer is ready to receive it and ensuring no message is lost.

Message Consumption

  • The Consumer service can listens to the queue or topic.
  • when the message arrives and the consumer retrieves and processes it.
  • It can allows the consumer to the handle messages at its the own place and improving the system resilience.

Microservices Communication with Apache ActiveMQ

Microservice design involves breaking down an application into smaller tasks that can participate. These tasks often need to interact with each other to meet business needs. Apache ActiveMQ is a popular open-source message broker that facilitates asynchronous communication between microservices. Using message queues, ActiveMQ can ensure that messages are reliably exchanged between services, allowing fragmented and scalable microservice communication

Apache ActiveMQ is a messaging-centric middleware that allows receiving applications to communicate with each other by sending messages via queues and topics In a microservice environment, ActiveMQ can enable services to exchange and view messages asynchronously found that loose coupling and scalability.


  • Producer: The service that sends the messages to a message broker.
  • Consumer: The service that receives the message from the message broker.
  • Message Broker (Apache ActiveMQ): The server that can manage the message queues and topics and ensure reliable message delivery.

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