Working of Materialization View


A materialization view is nothing but, it is a query that fetches the data from one or more tables in the database. The query can be involved the operations such as joins, filtering, and aggregations.


The materialized view is defined, and the view is created using the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement in the SQL. The database system executes the query and stores the result set the same as the table-like structure in the database.

Data Refresh

These are unlike regular views, which store the queries that is re-executed every time they are queried, materialized views store the data strongly. so, that the data can be over time due to the changes in the underlying tables. Hence, materialized views typically need to be refreshed the periodically to ensure that the reflect the up to date data. This is only done by the manually or automatically based on the schedule or on certain triggers like data or information modified in underlying tables.

Query Optimization

In Query Optimization, database systems are offered with the capability of rewriting, which automatically optimizes and replaces the query within the reference to materialization view when it will satisfy the requirements of the query. This optimization can expand the performance of the query by ignoring crucial computations and reducing the workload on the database server.


Materialization views are the same as regular tables and occupy the storage space of the database server. The storage of the materialization view depends on the size of the result set that is produced by the underlying query.


Materialized views are created by executing a query against one or more tables in the database. The results of the query are stored as a static dataset in the materialization view.


Refreshing is nothing, but the materialized views are refreshing to the synchronized data with the changes in the regular tables. It depends on the database system and the database configuration; the materialization view can be manually refreshed on a scheduled basis or automatically triggered by changes to the data.

Materialization View in DBMS

A materialization view is nothing but a snapshot or materialized query table. It is a database object that stores the results of the query table. Materialized views in the Database Management System (DBMS) work as the existing snapshots of the data, reducing the computational overhead. Unlike standard views, which are data that is virtually dynamically generated when the materialization view contains original data that exists in the database until the data is modified or truncated.

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Benefits of Materialization

Reduced Database load database: The results of the query are stored in the materialization view; there is no need to recompute the data each time a view is accessed. It reduces the workload of a database server and improves the utilization of the resource and its scalability. Improved Performance: Storing the query results and materialization view decreases the computational overhead combined with executing difficult queries repeatedly. This improves the execution time of the query and leads to better overall performance for the system. Enhanced Query Flexibility: Materialization views are also used to denormalize the data, make difficult calculations, and aggregate information, enabling users to execute queries against the dataset easily. Offline Availability: The materialization calculations and the view can provide access to the results of the queries when the data is inaccessible or unavailable. This benefit contains the availability of data and enables the applications to perform efficient operations at the time of database maintenance or at the time of downloading from the server....

Trade-Offs and Considerations

Storage Overhead: The materialization is to perform a calculation view that can consume the storage space in the database, which can be significant for large datasets and difficult queries. Administrators need to manage the storage efficiently to avoid unnecessary things. Synchronization Challenges: Materialization views that are synchronized within the changes in data can be challenged, especially in highly dynamic environments. Proper data management practices and synchronized mechanisms are crucial to data consistency. Maintenance Complexity: The materialization view can be based on expertise in query optimization, modeling of the data, and database administration. Administrators monitor views to optimize performance and refresh schedules....

Use Cases of Materialization

Aggregation and roll-up: The materialization view is applied to the existing aggregations, summaries, and roll-up operations, and it facilitates the sufficient analysis of data at the different levels of granularity. Report Generation: These are valuable for generating reports and dashboards, where fast access to the data is important for decision-making. Data Warehousing: Materialization views are mainly used for data warehousing environments to improve the performance of the query and support complex analytical queries against large datasets. Caching: The materialization of a large view can serve as the caching mechanism for repeatedly accessed queries, reduce the usage of results from the recompute, and improve the performance of the total application....

Challenges of Materialized View

Storage Overhead: Materialized views are consumes the space of the storage in the database until the physically store the result set of underlying query. It is depends upon the complexity of query and the size of result set are materialized views can be occupy the significant amount of the disk space. Data Staleness: Materialized views are need to be the refreshed periodically to the reflect largest changes, which is introduce the latency and potentially result in the data staleness if the not properly managed. Refresh Performance: The process of the refreshing materialized views are used to be resource intensive, most of the large datasets or difficult queries. Refreshing the materialized views are required to locking the resources, impact the performance of the other database operations. Maintenance Overhead: Manage the materialized view required the additional maintenance tasks like refresh the scheduling, data staleness monitoring and optimizing the storage and performance. Administrators of the database are need to be carefully balanced the benefits of the materialized view against the overhead and they are introduced in the terms of the maintenance and utilization of the resource. Consistency and Concurrency: Refresh the materialized views during the maintaining consistency and concurrency in the multi-user environment can be challenged. Depending the isolation level and control of the concurrency mechanism use in the database and refreshing materialized view may be interfere with the concurrent transactions and affect consistency of the data....


Materialized views have strong features in the Database Management System (DBMS). It offers significant advantages in terms of performance of the query, availability of data, and reduction of the workload. So, they need to be careful in their planning and management. When we use materialization view appropriately, it greatly extends the performance and scalability of database-driven applications and enables the organisation to expand the important insights in the data more efficiently for the users....

Frequently Asked Questions on Materialization View – FAQs

How do I refresh the materialization view?...

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