Women Empowerment in India

India is a very complicated nation. Over the course of many centuries, we have accumulated a wide variety of different practices, traditions, and customs. These rituals and practices, both the positive and negative aspects of them, are now ingrained in the collective psyche of our society. We honor female deities as deities worthy of worship, and we also place a high value on the relationships we have with our own mothers, daughters, sisters, spouses, and any other female relatives or friends. On the other hand, Indian men are notorious for their poor treatment of their wives and girlfriends, both within and outside of the house.

There are individuals in Indian culture who adhere to almost every imaginable kind of religious belief. In each and every one of the world’s religions, women are given a unique position, and we are instructed to treat them with the utmost reverence and sensitivity. However, for some reason, the development of civilization has led to it being acceptable for a variety of harmful practices, both physical and mental, to be carried out against women. This has been the case for centuries. For instance, the sati pratha, the tradition of dowry, the Parda pratha, female infanticide, wife torching, sexual misbehavior, sexual harassment at the location of work, domestic violence, as well as other sorts of discriminating practices all have both a mental and a physical component.

In addition to this, there is a significant issue with domestic violence in India. Because the males believe that women are their property, they treat their wives abusively and beat them. Even more so since most women are too timid to express their minds. In a similar vein, women who do work are paid less than their male colleagues who do the same tasks. When someone gets paid less for the same amount of labor because of their gender, this behavior can only be described as sexist and completely unjust. As a result, it is clear that empowering women is a must in this day and age. We have a responsibility to provide these women with the tools they need to advocate for themselves and ensure that they are never the victims of injustice.

Essay on Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment: Women empowerment refers to the process of making women more powerful by helping them to make decisions for themselves. Women have suffered a lot over the years and did not have voting rights for long. With the evolution of time, women realized their powers and what they were capable of and began the revolution for the empowerment of women. Women were not allowed to make decisions for themselves and women’s empowerment helped in building the process and have equal rights. This article explores more on the need and importance of women’s empowerment.

Table of Content

  • Need for Women Empowerment
  • How go Empower Women?
  • Women Empowerment in India
  • List of Major Women Empowerment Schemes in India

Women Empowerment

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