Why WebSocket is used Over HTTP?

In HTTP client has to request only the response or the payload from the server will be given and then the connection is terminated. Now if you require further payload or data then you have to repeat the whole process.

  • WebSocket client establishes the socket connection with the server and receives the message or data without any refresh
  • The connection won’t be terminated which means that we can again receive the message.

Also, WebSocket is a bi-directional protocol which means that the server and client can exchange the message in parallel and it decreases the round trip and the time for response. An application like trading, monitoring, or creating functionality like notifications WebSocket is very useful.

Spring Boot – Web Socket

WebSocket is used as a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single, long-lived connection between a client and a server. In this protocol, there are no restrictions like HTTP that for a response you have to make a request first.

The server can send the message without getting any request and this can be useful in many applications like

  • Chat applications
  • Sending any notification to the user
  • And many more.

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