Why We Need to Inspect the Docker Volume

Docker volume inspect will shows you the following details i will take an example of the things shown in my docker volume and explain in detail.

docker volume inspect provides the following output,

  • CreatedAt: The timestamp indicating when the Docker volume was created. In this example, the volume was created on February 24, 2024, at 03:31:58 UTC.
  • Driver: The volume driver used for this Docker volume. In this case, the driver is “local,” which is the default driver for local volumes.
  • Labels: Docker volumes can have labels associated with them for metadata purposes. In this example, the “Labels” field is null, indicating that no labels are defined for this volume.
  • Mountpoint: The path on the host system where the volume is mounted. In this case, the volume named “GFG-Volume” is mounted at “/var/lib/docker/volumes/GFG-Volume/_data.”
  • Name: The name of the Docker volume. In this example, the volume is named “GFG-Volume.”
  • Options: Additional options or configurations for the volume. In this example, the “Options” field is null, indicating that no specific options are defined for this volume.
  • Scope: The scope of the volume. In this case, the scope is “local,” indicating that the volume is specific to the local Docker host.

What Is Docker Volume Inspect ?

“docker volume inspect” is a command line interface (CLI) used to extract detailed information about Docker volume. Docker volumes are mainly used to maintain the state of the application which means in other words it is used for the stateful applications.

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