Why use Callbacks?

Callbacks are essential for managing the outcomes of asynchronous tasks without blocking the program’s execution. Asynchronous tasks, like network requests or database queries, take time to finish. If these tasks were synchronous, the program would halt until they’re done, resulting in a sluggish user experience.

With callbacks, though, you can keep the program running while these tasks happen in the background. When the task finishes, the callback function handles the result. This ensures the program stays responsive, enhancing the user experience.

JavaScript Callbacks

JavaScript is built to handle asynchronous programming, allowing it to manage multiple tasks at once. Callbacks are important in JavaScript as they enable you to execute code after an asynchronous task finishes. This article explores what callbacks are, why they’re essential, and demonstrates how to use them with practical examples and code snippets.

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Why use Callbacks?

Callbacks are essential for managing the outcomes of asynchronous tasks without blocking the program’s execution. Asynchronous tasks, like network requests or database queries, take time to finish. If these tasks were synchronous, the program would halt until they’re done, resulting in a sluggish user experience....

Key Concepts:

1. Asynchronous programming:...

Real-Life Examples:

1. Loading images on a website:...

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