Why Spring Boot Internationalization?

  • User-Friendly
  • Global Reach
  • Broader Market
  • Different Users (from language,culture…etc) can use the application at one place.

A Comprehensive Approach for Internationalizing a Spring Boot Application:

  1. Creating Resource Files: As we already learnt that users might be from different geographical areas and have possess different languages. So, create individual files for every language. These files contains key-value format data which has their localized data.
  2. Configuration of Message Source: Now Configure the Message Source Bean so that exact resource file will be loaded properly.
  3. Configuration of Locale Resolver: Spring Boot has many Locale Resolvers like AcceptLanguageHeaderLocaleResolver and SessionLocalResolver. So, make sure you configure the locale Resolver to get the user’s locale easily.
  4. Retrieving the Localized Text: Retrieve the data from the Resource Files using the Message Source Interface. The Best Part of this is that we can retrieve the data from any part of our code.
  5. Testing: Final and Most Important thing is rigorous testing. Bugs are inevitable most of the times. So, make sure testing each and every part of your code. Especially in your Configuration files for selecting a language. Frequently developers forget to check the expected output Matches with the language specific data.

Spring Boot – Internationalization

Before understanding Spring Boot-Internationalization, we must know what internalization in general means. Internationalization is an action or process of making something international which means making things adaptable or available everywhere. In this article, we will be discussing Internationalization in Spring Boot.

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