Why Prometheus and Grafana?

Prometheus and Grafana are often used together because they complement each other’s strengths. Prometheus is a powerful, open-source monitoring system that is well-suited for collecting and storing time series data. It has a flexible query language and a wide range of integrations with other tools and systems.

Grafana is a data visualization and monitoring platform that allows you to create interactive dashboards to visualize and analyze your data. It integrates with a wide range of data sources, including Prometheus, and it has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create and customize dashboards.

Together, Prometheus and Grafana provide a complete solution for monitoring and visualizing the performance of your applications and infrastructure. Prometheus can collect and store the data, and Grafana can provide visualizations and alerts to help you understand and act on that data. This can be especially useful in dynamic, cloud-native environments like Kubernetes, where you need a flexible and scalable solution for monitoring and managing your applications and services.

Working with Prometheus and Grafana Using Helm

Pre-requisite: HELM Package Manager

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows you to install, upgrade, and manage applications on your Kubernetes cluster. With Helm, you can define, install, and upgrade your application using a single configuration file, called a Chart. Charts are easy to create, version, share, and publish, so you can collaborate with your team and the larger Kubernetes community.

There are many charts available in the Helm stable repository, which is maintained by the Helm community, and you can also find charts from other sources or create your own custom charts. Helm makes it easy to automate the deployment and management of applications on your Kubernetes cluster, so you can focus on building great software.

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Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that is especially well-suited for cloud-native environments, like Kubernetes. It can monitor the performance of your applications and services, and alert you if there are any issues. It has a powerful query language that allows you to analyze the data it collects, and it also has a rich set of integrations with other tools and systems. For example, you can use Prometheus to monitor the health of your Kubernetes cluster, and use its integration with Grafana to visualize the data it collects....


Grafana is an open-source data visualization and monitoring platform that allows you to create dashboards to visualize your data and metrics. It is a popular choice for visualizing time series data, and it integrates with a wide range of data sources, including Prometheus, Elasticsearch, and InfluxDB....

Why Prometheus and Grafana?

Prometheus and Grafana are often used together because they complement each other’s strengths. Prometheus is a powerful, open-source monitoring system that is well-suited for collecting and storing time series data. It has a flexible query language and a wide range of integrations with other tools and systems....

Installation Steps:

Pre-requisite: Install HELM...

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