Why Material design?

As we discussed, Material design help teams of designers to easily build high-quality, digital experiences. From design guidelines to developer components, Material can helps us build products faster. These are enough reasons that shows why there was a need of Material design. In this section we will discuss these points and well as some more points on why do we need Material design. Some points on the the need of Material design are:

1. Creating consistent user interface

We all know how wide the range of products/services Google has. Material design was created for designers to create a consistent user interface across all of the Google products and services in different platforms, different screen sizes, different hardware etc. By improving consistency, we can improve the overall user experience of the products/services.

2. User-Centricity

Material design is based on the principles of design in order to provide a user-centric design. Material design, since the rollout of its first version Material design has focused on principles to create user centric UI by multiple features, for example, by making it easy for users to understand and navigate through apps and websites.

3. Promoting Open- Sourced design systems

While Google could have created Material design closed-source and made tons of money from it, Google decided to make Material Design an open-source design system, which means that anyone can use it as a framework for their own design projects.

This was an important reason in creation of Material design that there were many design systems specially, design systems internal to various companies that no one else could use. google made Material design for making design system accessible to everyone. This open approach has contributed to widespread adoption of Material design.

4. Some more reasons

We already discussed the top 3 most important reasons why Google created Material design, here are some more not so important reasons for which Material design was created:

  • Creating aesthetically great UI
  • Creating a Developer-Friendly tool
  • Creating a tool adaptable to various industries and use cases
  • Creating a tool focused on Accessibility

What is Material Design?

In UI/UX design, we often come across the term Material design, hear professional UI/UX designers talk about Material design, and think it is some fancy word only for designers with years and years of experience. In this article, we will try to explain what Material design is in simpler terms along with the needs and features of Material design.

So, let’s start with what is Material Design.

What is Material Design?

Table of Content

  • Material design
  • Why Use Material design?
  • Material 3 Design
  • Features of Material Design

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