Why does Pop From Empty List Error Occurs?

Below are some of the scenarios when this error occurs:

  • Empty List Pop Attempt
  • Looping Through an Empty List

Popping Empty List in Python

In this scenario, attempting to pop an element using pop() from an empty list leads to the ‘Pop From Empty List’ error.


my_list = []
popped = my_list.pop()


Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Solution.py", line 2, in <module>
    popped_element = my_list.pop()
IndexError: pop from empty list

Looping Through an Empty List

When iterating over an empty list and attempting to pop elements inside a loop, the ‘Pop From Empty List’ error is triggered.


my_list = []
for i in range(len(my_list)+1):
    popped = my_list.pop()


Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Solution.py", line 3, in <module>
    popped_element = my_list.pop()
IndexError: pop from empty list

IndexError: pop from Empty List in Python

The IndexError: pop from an empty list is a common issue in Python, occurring when an attempt is made to use the pop() method on a list that has no elements. This article explores the nature of this error, provides a clear example of its occurrence, and offers three practical solutions to handle it effectively. Here, we will see how to fix Pop From Empty List’ Error in Python.

What is IndexError: pop from empty list Error in Python?

IndexError: Pop From Empty List’ Error in Python error occurs when the pop() method is applied to an empty list, where the operation of removing and returning the last element is invalid due to the absence of elements. This leads to a runtime error, specifically an IndexError.

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