Why Does Overflowerror: Int Too Large To Convert To Float Occur?

Below, are the reasons for occurring Overflowerror: Int Too Large To Convert To Float in Python.

  • Exceed Floating-Point
  • Exponential Growth Lead Overflow

Exceeding Floating-Point Representation Limits

In Python, floating-point numbers have finite precision because they are implemented with hardware representation limitations. The OverflowError is raised when trying to change an integer into float while its value is too large for the floating-point representation’s limits.

For instance, in line one there is a variable called “large_integer” which contains a value that is so huge such that converting it to float using float() leads to overflow error due to float representation bounds being surpassed.


large_integer = 10**1000
result = float(large_integer)

Output :

Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Solution.py", line 2, in <module>
result = float(large_integer)
OverflowError: int too large to convert to float

Exponential Growth Leading to Overflow

In Exponential growth, values increase rapidly and when these values become too big to fit into a floating point representation may cause the floating point overflow error.

For example, calculating 2.0 ** 10000 results in a much higher floating-point number that is larger than what can be held in a floating-point which finally causes OverflowError when trying to print it.


exponential_result = 2.0 ** 10000

Output :

Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Solution.py", line 1, in <module>
exponential_result = 2.0 ** 10000
OverflowError: (34, 'Numerical result out of range')

Overflowerror: Convert Int Large to Float in Python

Python overflows when an arithmetic operation yields a number that cannot be represented as a floating point. This happens particularly in the case of very large numbers or complex calculations that go beyond the scope of the Python interpreter. The OverflowError is raised to indicate that the result could not be contained within those constraints. So, what are some causes of OverflowError and how can it be handled in Python, let’s explore this in this article.

What is OverflowError in Python?

OverflowError occurs when the result of an arithmetic operation exceeds those representational limits placed on it by the Python interpreter. Normally this could happen with large numbers or complex computations like:

  • Exceeding Floating-Point Representation Limits
  • Exponential Growth Leading to Overflow

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