Why do Interviewers Ask “What is your Greatest Weakness?”

Interviewers are interested in learning about your worst weakness because of the following reasons.

  • They want to know how self-aware you are and how motivated you are to self-improvement. An employee who can recognize their own flaws may also be useful in identifying problems with their team’s processes or plans.
  • Hiring managers want to know about your resilience and how you deal with weaknesses. It is advantageous to project the image of someone who is not quickly frustrated by their flaws and instead seeks alternative solutions.
  • Delegating work in which you do not excel (if applying for a supervisory position), collaborating with colleagues to cover each other’s weaknesses, exercising self-study to better, or something else. The most crucial thing interviewers want to hear is that you have a strategy in place to address your weakness; the plan itself is secondary.

How to Answer – “What is your Greatest Weakness?”

People often get asked about their weaknesses in interviews. This question is not as easy as it sounds. And many also wonder why recruiters ask it. Some take it otherwise and answer very honestly which is good but not every time. Whereas others answer that they don’t have any weaknesses which is also not a good all the time. So, how to answer this question? Don’t worry! We have got you covered. In this post, we will help you understand why interviewers ask this question, tell you the best way to explain your biggest weakness, and also provide some sample responses for you. Let’s dive in.

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Finally, we are almost at the end of this topic. Definitely, “What is your greatest weakness?” is the most commonly dreaded question in interviews. After reading this, hopefully, it doesn’t seem all that difficult. It’s important to keep in mind that interviewers aren’t trying to con you or give you the same old, boring response they’ve heard a thousand times. They are looking for sincere introspection, a dedication to growth, and a plan for making up for your weaknesses. If you respond with assurance and genuineness, hiring managers and recruiters will find you to be a standout applicant. Good luck!...

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