Why Check for Broken Links in Selenium?

  • Free Downloadable: Selenium is open-source software for testing purposes. It is widely used throughout the globe for this simple reason. Finding broken links & any testing-related issues can easily be handled by Selenium.
  • Presence Of Multi-Browser WebDrivers: Selenium comes with multi-browser WebvDrivers. There are WebDrivers for every browser. That may be the Safari browser or Google Chrome browser. So, users can use any operating system to test a particular webpage. Also, it supports multi-browser operations. So, checking for broken links in Selenium will be a wise decision.
  • Usability of Multiple Programming Languages: Selenium scripts can be written in multiple programming languages. Any user can use the Java programming language or the Python programming language, as per their choice. Also, it comes with the facility to use other programming languages like Ruby. So, if a developer wants to write the script in its specialized language, so it becomes an easy task for the developer.
  • High Speed: Selenium is well known for its performance & speed. Like any other testing tool, selenium is famous for its speed. It can able to compile & execute any piece of code within seconds. Also, it helps to integrate with the WebDrivers along with the scripts. This is the reason behind using Selenium for finding broken links.
  • High Integrity: Selenium is highly integrated with some special IDEs like Eclipse. Selenium can easily be connected to the Eclipse IDE. This helps to write the scripts in a better manner. Also, it helps to reduce typing mistakes or any problems related to the scripts. For all these reasons, selenium is highly used for finding out broken links from a webpage.

How Selenium WebDriver Can be Used to Detect Broken Links?

Selenium is a widely used tool for testing any websites or other applications. It is a suite of all testing software. There are many segments of Selenium. Like there is Selenium Web Driver, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, etc. Selenium IDE is used by those users who are coming from a non-computer science background. As in Selenium IDE, there is no need for programming knowledge. It can be simply used. But in the case of Selenium Web Driver, programming knowledge is important. Selenium Webdriver can be used in Java programming language or Python programming language. The article focuses on discussing How to detect broken links in Selenium WebDriver.

The following topics will be discussed here:

  1. What are Broken Links?
  2. Why Check for Broken Links in Selenium?
  3. Common Reasons for Broken Links.
  4. How to identify broken links in Selenium WebDriver.
  5. Finding Broken Links in Selenium.

Let’s start discussing each of these topics in detail.

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Why Check for Broken Links in Selenium?

Free Downloadable: Selenium is open-source software for testing purposes. It is widely used throughout the globe for this simple reason. Finding broken links & any testing-related issues can easily be handled by Selenium. Presence Of Multi-Browser WebDrivers: Selenium comes with multi-browser WebvDrivers. There are WebDrivers for every browser. That may be the Safari browser or Google Chrome browser. So, users can use any operating system to test a particular webpage. Also, it supports multi-browser operations. So, checking for broken links in Selenium will be a wise decision. Usability of Multiple Programming Languages: Selenium scripts can be written in multiple programming languages. Any user can use the Java programming language or the Python programming language, as per their choice. Also, it comes with the facility to use other programming languages like Ruby. So, if a developer wants to write the script in its specialized language, so it becomes an easy task for the developer. High Speed: Selenium is well known for its performance & speed. Like any other testing tool, selenium is famous for its speed. It can able to compile & execute any piece of code within seconds. Also, it helps to integrate with the WebDrivers along with the scripts. This is the reason behind using Selenium for finding broken links. High Integrity: Selenium is highly integrated with some special IDEs like Eclipse. Selenium can easily be connected to the Eclipse IDE. This helps to write the scripts in a better manner. Also, it helps to reduce typing mistakes or any problems related to the scripts. For all these reasons, selenium is highly used for finding out broken links from a webpage....

Common Reasons for Broken Links

Typing Mistake: This is a largely committed mistake by the programmer. While connecting two web pages, the link should be pasted into the program. While paying for a link in the program, sometimes accidentally, a letter removes. This may create a broken link problem. Removal of a single letter from the link can make it a void link. This generates the broken link problem. Deleted Webpage: Sometimes the target webpage gets deleted. Due to some modification to the websites, one or more webpages needs to be removed. This may create this problem. Then the link should be corrected & paste the new target link there. Modified Link: Sometimes the server or domain changes. Due to pricing issues, organizations move their server to the other provider. This may create a void link. The existing links get damaged. Sometimes this problem also occurred there. Renaming the Webpage: Sometimes modifications have been done to the target web pages themselves. This may create a broken link problem. Renaming a website or breaking its connection of it with existing web pages can create such problems. Error In Code: Sometimes while making websites, developers need to write a long piece of code. Due to some reasons, the developers can able to perform any mistake there. This may lead to fatal changes. Sometimes, while connecting to another webpage, a fault-written code can hamper the process. This will occur many times. Sometimes, programmers paste the same link to a certain webpage. This also can create a problem. Different Format File: Sometimes by clicking on the link, users can able to download a specific file there. But those files need to be changed & modified from time to time. During the modification, the format of the file may get changed. That will create a disconnection with the code there. So, the link which downloads the file to the machine can able to perform the same. This may create a broken link. A Fault Link: Sometimes the provider which is providing the link, can accidentally provide a broken link. There may not be a problem from the developer side or from the company side. But putting in an invalid link will cause the same effect. Thus this type of mistake rarely happens. But this cause also the broken link problem....

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Finding Broken Links in Selenium

The implementation process can be developed into many segments. Here, the main structure of the program is divided into some parts. This will help to better understand the approach....

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