What is ‘django.db.utils.OperationalError’?

You may see the following error when running the django project:

django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table : user

The django.db.utils.OperationalError is a common error we may encounter while working with Django. It indicates that django is unable to connect to or interact with our database correctly.
This error means that Django cannot connect to or interact with your database for some reason.

Causes of ‘django.db.utils.OperationalError’

  • In Settings.py file of Django project sometimes while adding settings user makes spelling mistakes or some settings are left to add.
  • Django perfoms the operations on the database but due to not having required previlages it cannot able to do it and leads to operational error.
  • If you have already defined all the required models but sometime you left out some model to migrate.
  • if you have not installed or started database correctly this might be the reason.

OperationalError in Django

In this article first, we explore the problem of the ‘django.db.utils.OperationalError’ error, Why this error occurs ? and its possible fixes.

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