What is ‘django.core.exceptions.ValidationError’?

In Django, django.core.exceptions.ValidationError is an exception class that is raised when there is a validation error in a model or form. This exception is part of Django’s validation system and is used to handle errors that occur during the validation of data. This error often indicates a problem with data validation in your application. In this article, we’ll explore what this error means and how to fix it.

Syntax: django.core.exceptions.ValidationError

Here are some common scenarios where ValidationError might be raised:

  • Model Validation: When you define a Django models, you can specify various constraints and validation rules for its fields using model field options like max_length, unique, null, blank, and custom validation methods. If data doesn’t meet these constraints, a ValidationError can be raised when you try to save the model instance.
  • Form Validation: When you submit a form in a Django application, the form data is typically validated. If the form data doesn’t pass the validation rules defined in the form class, a ValidationError is raised.

ValidationError in Django

Django, a popular Python web framework, is renowned for its robustness and reliability. However, like any software, it can throw errors, and one common error you might encounter is the ‘django.core.exceptions.ValidationError.’ In this article, we will how to resolve this error.

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In Django, django.core.exceptions.ValidationError is an exception class that is raised when there is a validation error in a model or form. This exception is part of Django’s validation system and is used to handle errors that occur during the validation of data. This error often indicates a problem with data validation in your application. In this article, we’ll explore what this error means and how to fix it....

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