What is WebRTC Framework?

WebRTC is a framework that makes adding real-time communication to your application possible, and this works on top of an open standard. This system supports features like video, voice, and generic data to be shared between peers. Many voice and video solutions of high standards have been built after its introduction. This framework is considered an open web standard and available as JavaScript API in many browsers.

There are many uses for this framework from websites using cameras and microphones to high-end video calling applications or screen sharing. This application works by identifying and accessing the needed media which then will work to connect and then streamline.

10 Best WebRTC Frameworks for Real-Time Communication

We all have tried video calling or even just calling, these are the courtesy of WebRTC Framework. Our modern society is a time, where real-time communication is key to any business, and meetings and communications are taken up through online format. Here video calling, chatting, screen sharing, and so on are used regularly for it to be functional.

Even on websites, space for help is all performed through real-time communication. This makes the process much easier quicker and highly digitalized. Real-time communication has made many systems more efficient and even possible to some degree.

Table of Content

  • What is WebRTC Framework?
  • 10 Best WebRTC Frameworks for Real-Time Communication
    • 1. OpenVidu
    • 2. Janus
    • 3.Kurento
    • 4. Ant Media Server
    • 5. Galene
    • 6. Media Soup
    • 7. OvenMediaEngine(OME)
    • 8. JSCommunicator
    • 9. Ion Media Server
    • 10. Jitsi Meet

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What is WebRTC Framework?

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