What is Web Crawling?

A web crawler or a web spider systematically browses the web pages over the internet. It is a type of computer program that is used to search and automatically index website content over the internet. Therefore, web crawling refers to the process of discovering the links or URLs on the web. Web crawling plays an important part in businesses ranking their website on the web so that users can find it easily.

But some people think web scraping and web crawling as the same, so let’s look at the Difference Between Web scraping and Web crawling

Web Scraping

Web Crawling

The tool which is used in web scraping is web scraper.

The tool which is used in web crawling is a web crawler or web spider.

Web scraping is used for downloading the information from the website.

Web crawling is used for indexing the web pages.

It can be done on both large and small scales.

It can only be done on large scales.

It doesn’t visit all the pages of the website.

It does visit all the pages on the website.

Web scraping application areas consist of machine learning, retail marketing, and equity search.

Web crawling is used in search engines to provide search results to the user.

Example- Scraper.io

Example- Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

To learn more refer to this article: Web Crawling Vs. Web Scraping

Top 15 Web Crawling Tools to Scrape Websites

Web crawling is defined as the process of finding or discovering the URLs and links over the internet. Search engine optimization is a type of finding process in which the search engines send a team of robots which are known as spiders or crawlers to find the updated content. Therefore this article aims to provide detailed knowledge about the Top 15 web crawling tools to scrape websites.

Whether you’re a business analyst looking for market insights or a developer in need of website data, web scraping tools can be your key to the data available on the internet. Web crawling is the process of systematically and automatically extracting data from different websites. From e-commerce prices and social media trends to news articles and product reviews, the applications of web scraping are limitless.

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