What is Value of Log 5?

Value of log 5 is the number which when raised to a power of 10 results in the number 5. This value is called a common logarithm. However, the value of log 5 is also calculated on base ‘e’ which means the number raised to the power of ‘e’ gives 5 as the result. Here, e is the Euler’s Number whose value is equal to 2.7182818…..

This value of log 5 is calculated on two bases which are mentioned below:

  • Value of log 5 base 10
  • Value of log 5 base e

Let’s learn them in detail.

Value of log 5 base 10

Log base 10 is also called common logarithm. The value of log 5 base 10 is given below:

log105 ≈ 0.69897

Value of log 5 base e

Log base e is also called Natural Logarithm. The value of log 5 base e is given below:

loge5 = ln 5 ≈ 1.6094

The expression “log 5 base e” is not standard notation, as logarithms are typically denoted with base 10 (log) or base e (ln, natural logarithm). If you see “log 5 base e,” it may imply a change of base from base 5 to base e. In this case, you can use the change of base formula:

logba = logca / logca

So, if you want to find log 5 base e, it would be equivalent to ln 5 / ln e, and since the natural logarithm of e is 1, the result is ln 5.

Value of log 5

Value of the log 5 is approximately 0.69897. The value of log 5 is calculated on two bases 10 and e. On base 10, the value of log 5 is 0.69897 and the value of log 5 on base e is equal to 1.6094.

In this article, we will learn what is the value of log 5 on different bases, what is their meaning, and how to calculate the value of log 5.

Table of Content

  • What is Value of Log 5?
  • How to Calculate Value of log 5
  • Value of Log 5 – Solved Examples
  • Value of Log 5 – Practice Questions

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