What is URLResolver Error in Django?

Url Resolver error in Django pops out when there is a mistake in your URL patterns configurations. This can be caused by incorrect URL patterns, view function mismatches, namespace conflicts, circular imports, middleware ordering, or server configuration problems.

Syntax: TypeError: ‘URLResolver’ object is not subscriptable

Causes of URLResolver Error in Django

Following are the reasons or common mistakes that can cause this error.

  • Typo Error: While creating the URLs and views you may make spelling mistakes or any typo may be there.
  • Incorrect URL Path: In templates, an incorrect URL path is mentioned.
  • App specific: if you have created many apps then from the base project URL to a specific app the request not moving forward.

Django URLResolver error

There are many errors that come when we create a project in Django. In this article, we will learn how to resolve such error “URLResolver error”.

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What is URLResolver Error in Django?

Url Resolver error in Django pops out when there is a mistake in your URL patterns configurations. This can be caused by incorrect URL patterns, view function mismatches, namespace conflicts, circular imports, middleware ordering, or server configuration problems....

Approaches to Solve URLResolver Error in Django

This error can be solved by debugging the code. Start checking if we have made any typing mistakes. fixing and checking the path, for each unique URL path there should be a view present. And correctly being used if you are rendering templates. So first we look for the reason for what we did wrong and then try to solve it....

Solutions of Django URLResolver error


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