What is Timeout Exception?

Now, coming to the timeout exception, it is a type of exception that arises when a program or script runs out of its allotted time to complete a particular task or action. Also, many programming languages and frameworks use this to handle those operations that comparatively take longer time to execute themselves, so that they do not hang for long.

In the context of web automation and Selenium, a timeout exception commonly refers to the TimeoutException class provided by Selenium. This exception is raised when an operation related to web elements or page loading takes longer than a predefined timeout period.

There are certain reasons for the cause of timeout exceptions, some of which are described below:

  • Network delays: When a user makes an HTTP request to a remote server for the data transmission, a network delay may occur which can further cause timeout exception.
  • Resource unavailability: While accessing any webpage or an application, if any resource such as any file, database or hardware device goes unavailable, a timeout exception occurs.
  • Complex or time consuming computations: This condition arises when an algorithm or task takes longer time than expected, which leads to code timeout exceptions.
  • Web Automation: This occurs while waiting for an element to become available, clickable or visible on a webpage, when it goes timeout and leads to timeout exception.

How to set page load timeout in Selenium?

Page load timeouts play a significant role in web development and user experience, acting as a safeguard against slow-loading pages and contributing to the overall success of a website or web application. Developers work diligently to manage and optimize load times to keep users engaged and satisfied. This article focuses on discussing how to set page load timeouts in Selenium.

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