What is the Waterfall Model?

The Waterfall Model is also known as the traditional waterfall software life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use.

  1. In the waterfall model, each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the phases.
  2. The classical waterfall model divides the life cycle into a set of phases.
  3. The waterfall model considers that one phase can be started after completion of the previous phase, which is the output of one phase will be the input to the next phase.
  4. Due to this the development process can be considered as a sequential flow in the waterfall. Here the phases do not overlap with each other.

This model divides the life cycle of a software development process into phases as shown below:

Waterfall Model

Failure of Waterfall model – Software Engineering

This article focuses on discussing various reasons for the failure of the waterfall model.

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What is the Waterfall Model?

The Waterfall Model is also known as the traditional waterfall software life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use....

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