What is the Need Of DevOps?

The most important part of DevOps practices is tacking the challenge of miscommunication and lack of collaboration between developers and the operations team. Releasing application has two main parts – coding the application and the other part is deploying and maintaining the application. Developers are responsible for coding part while the operations team is responsible for running the application and between these two there might be a gap. The operations team wants to run the application but they don’t know how it works on the first place, and the developers would code without considering where or how the code will be deployed. While operations would try to deploy without really understanding what and why they are deploying or how the application even works. this would result in miscommunications between the two teams and causes not just less productivity and releasing the newer versions takes longer time, but also lesser quality applications being deployed without proper collaboration.

This is where DevOps comes into play. It brings the development and the operations team together to collaborate rather than work in silos and ensures high quality applications and features in lesser release time.

DevOps Best Practices for Kubernetes

DevOps is the hot topic in the market these days. DevOps is a vague term used for wide number of operations, most agreeable defination of DevOps would be that DevOps is an intersection of development and operations. Certain practices need to be followed during the application release process in DevOps for a more streamline workflow, continuous delivery and continuous integration of the code and proper scaling for the application. In this article we will discuss the best DevOps practice you must know as a DevOps engineer/ DevOps enthusiast for Kubernetes in 2023.

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What is the Need Of DevOps?

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DevOps Best Practices for Kubernetes

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FAQs On DevOps

1. Should We Know Coding For Getting A DevOps Role?...

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