What is Storytelling in Interviews?

Storytelling in job interviews is a technique used by applicants to help make a more personal connection with the interviewer and provide them with an understanding of who they are and what drives them as an applicant. 

Rather than simply providing facts about their skills and experiences, applicants can use storytelling to bring those facts to life, helping to create a memorable impression and helping the interviewer to get a clearer picture of the applicant’s personality and capabilities. 

Through storytelling, applicants can share experiences that are more meaningful and revealing about their values and goals, providing a more complete impression of who they are beyond the paper qualifications they bring to the table.

How to Effectively Use Storytelling in Job Interviews

It can be difficult for applicants to distinguish themselves from the competition while preparing for interviews. Finding acceptable individuals after interviewing a vast pool of applicants is also difficult for the interviewers. Storytelling in job interviews is one way to help differentiate oneself from other applicants. It can provide insight into who the applicant is and why they are interested in the position. 

Storytelling in Job Interviews

By engaging in storytelling, applicants can paint a vivid and captivating portrait of their character and experiences, allowing the interviewer to get a better idea of who they are beyond the basic facts on their resume.

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