What is Simple Harmonic Motion?

Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is a type of periodic motion. In SHM, the motion is very predictable. It happens when the force directing an object towards a point is proportional to the distance from that point. The force also acts in the opposite direction to the displacement.

  • The force that brings the object back to its original position is called Restoring Force. It’s always proportional to how far the object has moved from its resting position.
  • The movement in SHM follows a smooth, wave-like pattern. This pattern can be graphed as a sine or cosine wave.
  • Common examples of Simple Harmonic Motion include a mass attached to a spring and a pendulum swinging with small angles.
  • The energy in SHM moves between potential energy and kinetic energy. In a frictionless system, this energy transfer keeps the motion going indefinitely.
  • The frequency of SHM depends only on the system’s properties. It does not change unless the system’s characteristics, like mass or stiffness, are altered.

Difference between Simple Harmonic Motion and Periodic Motion

Motion often follows repeating patterns. Two such patterns are simple harmonic motion (SHM) and periodic motion. Simple harmonic motion is a specific type of periodic motion where the force causing the motion is directly proportional to the displacement from a fixed point and acts in the opposite direction. On the other hand, periodic motion refers to any motion that repeats at regular intervals, regardless of the forces involved. In this article, we will learn about the difference between simple harmonic motion and periodic motion.

Table of Content

  • What is Simple Harmonic Motion?
  • What is Periodic Motion?
  • Difference between Simple Harmonic Motion and Periodic Motion

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In conclusion, while both simple harmonic motion and periodic motion involve repetitive movements, they are different in their characteristics. Simple harmonic motion follows a specific mathematical pattern, while periodic motion includes various repetitive patterns. Simple harmonic motion is often found in oscillatory systems like springs and pendulums, while periodic motion encompasses a broader range of phenomena. Both types of motion play significant roles in natural and man-made systems....

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