What is Running Total?

A running total is the sum of a series of values or the accumulative sum linked to values. Adding a new value is quite easy. It is just a matter of adding all the previously calculated values A running total is commonly used in reporting and data analysis to provide cumulative analytics. For example, the current total of sales would be based on the sum of the sales of the first sale, second sale, third sale, and so on.

We can calculate the running total using two methods:

  1. Using Window Functions
  2. Using Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTE)

First, let’s create the table and insert some sample data:

Create the table named sales

date DATE,
amount NUMERIC

Insert some data into the table

INSERT INTO sales (date, amount) VALUES
('2024-04-01', 100),
('2024-04-02', 150),
('2024-04-03', 200),
('2024-04-04', 250),
('2024-04-05', 300);


You can see the content of the table by executing the below command:

SELECT * FROM employees;

Sales Table

Now, let’s compute the running total using both window functions and recursive CTEs.

Compute a Running Total in Postgresql

PostgreSQL is a modern relational database system that is capable of both SQL-oriented relational queries and JSON non-relational queries. It is free and open source. Running total or cumulative sum are very frequent tasks in PostgreSQL, which can be used to deal with sequential data or financial records with a long history of entries.

It consists of the additional together of the contents of a specific column; running through the rows with a defined sequence of a table. Undoubtedly we can consider PostgreSQL to possess certain tools on the high level of performance. In this article, we will see what the running total is and different ways to calculate the running total in PostgreSQL.

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What is Running Total?

A running total is the sum of a series of values or the accumulative sum linked to values. Adding a new value is quite easy. It is just a matter of adding all the previously calculated values A running total is commonly used in reporting and data analysis to provide cumulative analytics. For example, the current total of sales would be based on the sum of the sales of the first sale, second sale, third sale, and so on....

1. Using Window Functions

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Using Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTE)

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A running total for PostgreSQL involves using some different approaches that can be utilized to accomplish this fundamental operation. While both the fixed window functions and the recursive CTEs suit different individuals, PostgreSQL ensures you have all these capabilities in it. Based on such factors as use case requirements and performance expectancy, you can go for the method that conforms to your preference....

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