What is React.js?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that was built with Facebook in 2013. It is an open-source library that was primarily built for client-side development. It is used to improve the UI and enhance the client user experience. ReactJS is most widely used because it is used to create single-page applications. 

Difference between React.js and Bootstrap

React JS is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces while Bootstrap is a framework having pre-designed and styled components to create responsive UI. React dynamically builds the structure and Bootstrap add the format and styling to the components.

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What is React.js?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that was built with Facebook in 2013. It is an open-source library that was primarily built for client-side development. It is used to improve the UI and enhance the client user experience. ReactJS is most widely used because it is used to create single-page applications....

What is Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a framework that is built on the top of CSS and CSS3. Bootstrap is used for making the pages responsive in nature. Bootstrap is widely used to improve the responsiveness of the website although there are other frameworks for this, BootStrap is most widely used in web development on client side....

Difference between ReactJS and BootStrap

ReactJS Bootstrap It is based on pure vanilla JavaScript and it is a JavaScript library. It is based on CSS Grid and flexbox properties for responsiveness. It is used to improve the UI. It is used to improve the responsiveness of the web pages. React.js has inbuilt module of bootstrap i.e. react-bootstrap that can be imported to use bootstrap in the HTML. One can also link to the CDN or import its files to use bootstrap classes. ReactJS deals with states and components. While BootStrap deals with col and row size based on device width i.e sm, lg etc. It is developed by Facebook and the community. It is developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton. It was launched in 2013. While it was launched in 2011. The technology used in building of react.js  is JavaScript. Technologies used are HTML, CSS, SASS, and JavaScript. It is used to create single-page applications. It is used to create mobile-first web applications. It is used to create Dynamic pages using virtual DOM. Dynamic as well as Static websites can be made using BootStrap....

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