What is Parallel Resonance?

When a resistor (R), inductor (L), and capacitor (C) are connected in parallel and the effect of the inductor cancels the effect of the capacitor at a specific supply frequency, it is called parallel resonance.

The resonant frequency of a parallel resonance circuit is the same as that of a series resonance circuit and is determined by the values of the inductance (L) and capacitance (C) according to the formula:

[Tex]f = \frac{1}{2 \pi \sqrt{LC}}[/Tex]


  • f = resonant frequency (Hz)
  • L = inductance (H)
  • C = capacitance (F)

At resonance, the circuit experiences maximum impedance, resulting in minimum current flow. Parallel resonance makes the circuit behave like a pure resistive circuit, and is utilized in various applications.

Applications of Parallel Resonance

Parallel resonance has various applications in electronics and telecommunications, including in tuning circuits, filtering, and impedance matching. It is utilized in devices such as band-pass filters, antenna circuits, and impedance matching networks. Some common applications of parallel resonance are:

  • Filter circuits for removing specific frequencies in communication systems and audio equipment.
  • Voltage regulation in power supplies to stabilize output voltage levels.
  • Antenna tuning in radio frequency (RF) circuits for maximizing signal reception.
  • Tank circuits in oscillators for generating stable oscillations at a specific frequency.
  • Impedance matching in RF amplifiers and antennas to maximize power transfer.

Difference between Series Resonance and Parallel Resonance

Series resonance and parallel resonance are two phenomena that occur in electrical circuits containing inductors, capacitors, and resistors. They represent different ways in which circuits respond to an alternating current (AC) signal at a specific frequency.

In this article, we will understand the difference between Series resonance and parallel resonance in detail.

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What is Parallel Resonance?

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Difference between Series Resonance and Parallel Resonance

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To conclude we can say that, series resonance occurs when the inductive and capacitive effects cancel each other out in a series circuit, resulting in maximum current flow. Parallel resonance, on the other hand, happens when the same effects cancel out in a parallel circuit, leading to minimum current flow. Each type of resonance has its own set of applications and characteristics, making them useful in various electronic circuits....

FAQs on Series and Parallel Resonance

What are the characteristics of series resonance?...

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