What is Non-Metal Element?

As compared to Metal Elements, there are very few elements that are Non-Metal Elements in Periodic Table. Examples of Non-Metal Elements are sulphur, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. Non-Metal Elements are rare in nature as compared to Metal elements. Unlike Metal Elements, Non-Metal Elements don’t have the property to form positive ions, nor do they produce any metabolic bonds. Non-Metal Elements are mostly in solid or gaseous form. Non-Metal Elements are considered good insulators of heat and electricity power. This element lacks Metallic properties. 

How Metal Elements Differ From Nonmetal Elements?

Metals and Non-metals are the different forms of materials that are present on earth. Elements further can be subdivided into Metals and Non-Metals depending on their Physical and Chemical Properties. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, while Non-Metals are considered insulators. Examples of Metals are Iron, Copper, and Aluminum, while Examples of Non-Metals are Phosphorous, Sulfur, etc. In this article, we will go through a detailed understanding of Metals and Non-Metals elements, the Properties of Metals and Non-Metals, and the Difference between Metal and Non-Metal Elements.

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What is Metal Element?

Technically, Metals are the elements that generate positive ions and gas metallic bonds. In the periodic table, most of the elements are Metal Elements. This includes iron, silver, gold, and many more elements. The Metal Elements are hard in behavior and are mostly used in the applications of making machinery, agriculture equipment, automobiles, airplanes, etc. The atoms in Metal Elements are arranged in the crystal structure. These elements can easily conduct heat and electricity power. Metal Elements have a high boiling point and also high melting point as well. Below are the properties of Metal which are divided into Physical and Chemical Properties....

Properties of Metal Elements

1. Physical Properties...

What is Non-Metal Element?

As compared to Metal Elements, there are very few elements that are Non-Metal Elements in Periodic Table. Examples of Non-Metal Elements are sulphur, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. Non-Metal Elements are rare in nature as compared to Metal elements. Unlike Metal Elements, Non-Metal Elements don’t have the property to form positive ions, nor do they produce any metabolic bonds. Non-Metal Elements are mostly in solid or gaseous form. Non-Metal Elements are considered good insulators of heat and electricity power. This element lacks Metallic properties....

Properties of Non-Metal Elements

1. Physical Properties...

Similarities Between Metals and Non-Metals

Below there are some of the points that state the Similarities between Metals and Non-Metal Elements:...

Difference Between Metals and Non-Metals

Parameter Metal Element Non-Metal Element Definition Metals that are shiny, ductile, and malleable are known as metal elements.   Elements that are dull, brittle, and non-malleable are known are non-metal elements.  Physical State All the metals except mercury are solid at room temperature.  Non-metals do exist in multiple states.  Conductivity Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.  Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity.  Luster Metals are shiny (lustrous) in nature.  Non-metals are dull in appearance.  Melting and Boiling Points The melting and boiling points of metal element is high.  The melting and boiling points of metal element is low.  Reactivity Metals are reactive more with acids.  Non-metals are more reactive than metals.  Corrosion Metals corrode over a period of time.  Non-metals do not corrode over a period of time.  Examples A few examples of metals include Gold, silver, iron, copper, and aluminum. A few examples of non-metals include oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulphur....


In conclusion, Metal Elements and Non-Metal Elements have their own unique Physical and Chemical properties. Along with the unique properties, there are many similarities between the Elements like atomic structure, the tendency to react to other compounds, and many more. We went through various differences between these elements, and understanding these differences is important for understanding the behavior of various elements in different applications, like electronics, and material science....


Q1. What is the number of metals that are present in the periodic table?...

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