What is MLOps?

MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) is the set of practices and processes of streamlining and optimizing the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of ML models in production environments. This ensures that the models are effective, efficient, and scalable, so they can reach production in an efficient, cost-effective and timely manner.

MLOps is a merger of ML with DevOps practices to cover the entire lifecycle of the ML model, from development and testing to deployment and maintenance. Activities include managing data, selecting algorithms, training models, and evaluating their performance. This is done automatically, at scale, and while enhancing collaboration.

LLMOPS vs MLOPS: Making the Right Choice

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and machine learning, new terminologies and concepts frequently emerge, often causing confusion among business leaders, IT analysts, and decision-makers. While sounding similar, LLMOps and MLOps represent distinct approaches that can significantly impact how organizations harness the power of AI technologies.

LLMOPS vs MLOPS: Making the Right Choice

This article compares LLMOps and MLOps, clarifying their roles, and illustrating the impact of each approach on the deployment and management of AI initiatives.

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What is MLOps?

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MLOps and LLMOPS are complementary solutions. They are not competing with each other. It focus on building models, evaluating, deploying them, and Model Operations focus on governance and full life cycle management of AI and ML. If any organizations want to implement AI or machine learning, they would need both. So, the business scale faster, and more models will be deployed. It is used by data scientists and ML engineers, whereas it is for the organization’s people at a higher level. It automate the process of ML workflow, and its operationalize the whole process. It provides a dashboard, reports, and more....

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