What is Merge Sort Algorithm?

Merge sort is one of the sorting techniques that work on the divide and conquer approach. The Given array is divided in half again and again and those parts are arranged in sorted order and merged back to form the complete sorted array.

JavaScript Program for Merge Sort

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What is Merge Sort Algorithm?

Merge sort is one of the sorting techniques that work on the divide and conquer approach. The Given array is divided in half again and again and those parts are arranged in sorted order and merged back to form the complete sorted array....

Working of Merge Sort

To Understand the working of merge sort follow these steps....

Programmatic Approach for Merge Sort

First create a recursive function mergeSort the divide the array into halves again and again by findiing the middle index and call mergesort again for left and right halves.Define a function merge that will be called to sort and merge the subarrays and will be called after the mergeSort function returns.Inside merge function take new subarrays divided by mergeSort and start the merge processMerge the subarrays in a way that the smallar element is put first in the array on every iteration and after one is finished push the second subarray completely.It process starting from the unit subarray will continue till the whole array is merged and sorted completely....


The merge sort algorithm is a recursive algorithm which is simple top learn and implement. It is based on the divide and conquer approach. The Time Complexity for merge sort is O( N log(N)) and Auxilary space required is O(N). It is also efficient for big datasets....

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