What is Irrigation?

The artificial application of water to the soil or agricultural land which fulfills the demand for water is known as Irrigation.

It is the process of replacing or supplementing rainwater with water from another source. It is utilized in dry places and when rainfall is insufficient. It enables farmers to produce crops in areas with low or irregular rainfall, increasing food security and economic stability. Irrigation systems are designed to aid in the growth of agricultural crops and plants by using the least amount of water possible, preventing soil consolidation, and so on. Irrigation frequency, rate, amount, and time differ for different crops, as well as soil types and seasons. Summer crops, for example, demand far more water than winter crops. However, overirrigation can lead to problems like waterlogging, salinization, and environmental degradation. Therefore, sustainable and efficient irrigation practices are essential to ensure long-term agricultural productivity and environmental balance.

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Irrigation: Meaning, Types, Methods and Importance

Irrigation: Irrigation is the artificial and controlled application of water to soil, plants, or agricultural fields in order to meet their water needs. It ensures optimal moisture levels for plant growth, increases crop yield and sustains agricultural activities in regions with inadequate or unpredictable rainfall. India has the world’s largest irrigated land, with around 85 percent of total irrigation potential currently developed.

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