What is Inertia?

Inertia meaning is the property of any material by the virtue of which any object tends to be in the state of rest or motion and does not change its state of rest or motion until an external force is applied to it. We define the inertia of any object as,

“The property of any object by the virtue of which the object cannot change its state of either in rest or in motion is known as Inertia.”

The mass of a body is responsible for creating inertia, the greater the mass of a body, the greater will be the inertia of the body. For instance, It is easy to stop by simply applying braking to a bicycle as the mass of the bicycle is less but it is a lot tougher to stop a bus or a truck, since the mass of a bus or a truck is more. The same is the case when these vehicles are to be started, more effort in bus/truck (since more mass) and less effort on a bicycle (since less mass).

Inertia Meaning

Inertia is the basic concept of physics that is explained using the concept of Mass. The inertial concept was first explained by Sir Isaac Newton and the Law of Inertia is explained as any object in a state of rest or in a state of motion always staying in its state of rest or motion until an external force is applied. We can define Inertia in physics as the property of the matter that is linked to the mass of the object.

In this article, we will learn about, What is Inertia, What is Law of Inertia, Examples of the Law of Inertia, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Inertia?
  • Inertia Definition
  • What Is Law of Inertia?
  • Types of Inertia
  • Galileo’s Free Fall Experiment

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