What is Incoherent Source?

Incoherent Source is a light source that emits electromagnetic waves with varying frequencies, wavelengths, and phases. The terms different frequencies, wavelengths and phases are discussed below:

  • Different Frequencies: The emitted light waves have diverse frequencies, indicating variations in the number of oscillations per unit of time.
  • Different Wavelengths: The light waves produced by the source exhibit a range of wavelengths, representing the distances between successive points of the same phase.
  • Different Phases: The phases of the emitted waves are not synchronized, meaning that there is no fixed relationship or alignment between the peaks and troughs of the individual waves.

Incoherent Light Source Definition

An incoherent light source is a type of optical emitter characterized by the absence of a fixed phase relationship between the light waves it produces.

Incoherent sources emit light waves with random and uncorrelated phases, meaning that the peaks and troughs of the individual waves do not synchronize. This lack of coherence leads to a random distribution of wave phases, resulting in properties distinct from coherent sources.

Incoherent Sources

Incoherent Source is a light source in which the waves emitted from different points on the source are not correlated in terms of phase. In other words, the phases of the individual waves are not synchronized, and there is no fixed relationship between them. This lack of coherence means that the electromagnetic waves emitted from different parts of the source do not maintain a consistent phase relationship over time.

This article explores the fundamentals of incoherent sources, their definition, examples, and applications.

Table of Content

  • What is Incoherent Source?
  • Example of Incoherent Sources of Light
  • Incoherent and Coherent Light Sources
  • Applications of Incoherent Sources

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