What is Flexible Exchange Rate System?

Under this system, the exchange rate for the currency is fixed by the forces of demand and supply of different currencies in the foreign exchange market. This system is also called the Floating Rate of Exchange or Free Exchange Rate. It is so because it is determined by the free play of supply and demand forces in the international money market.

  • Under the Flexible Exchange Rate system, there is no intervention by the government. 
  • It is called flexible because the rate changes with the change in the market forces.
  • The exchange rate is determined through interactions of banks, firms, and other institutions that want to buy and sell foreign exchange in the foreign exchange market.
  • The rate at which the demand for foreign currency is equal to its supply is called the Par Rate of Exchange, Normal Rate, or Equilibrium Rate of Foreign Exchange.

Flexible Exchange Rate System | Meaning, Merits and Demerits

A medium of exchange for goods and services is called currency, which is different from one country to another country. However, a country’s currency cannot be used in another country. For this purpose, the currency of one country is converted into the currency of another country, and the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another is called the Foreign Exchange Rate. Foreign exchange rates can be classified into various types. One of them is Flexible Exchange Rate System. Flexible Exchange Rate System is determined by the forces of demand and supply of different currencies in the foreign exchange market.

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