What is Electric Potential?

Electric potential is defined as the difference in the potential energy per unit charge between two places. To check the difference in the electric potential between two positions under the influence of an electric field, we ask ourselves how much the potential energy of a unit positive charge will change if that charge is moved from this position to the other position. It is denoted by V, 

V = P.E/q

Electric Potential Of A Dipole and System Of Charges

Electric Potential is defined as the force experienced by a charge inside the electric field of any other charge. mathematically it is defined as the ratio of electric potential energy that is required to take a test charge from infinity to a point inside the electric field of any other charge with the magnitude of the test charge.

Electric potential at any point is determined by the number and orientation of the test charges arranged in their surroundings and their distance from those charges. In this article we will learn about electric potential due to system of charges, its formula, examples and other in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Electric Potential?
  • Electric Potential Due to Point Charge
  • Electric Potential Due to System of Charges
  • Solved Examples on Electric Potential

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