What is Database Design?

A database design can be defined as a set of processes or steps taken to implement a database that will manage data for business. It is the organization of data from a database model. A good database design should follow certain rules like making sure all the information is up to date and no redundant information is present as this can cause many mistakes. Another rule will be to make sure inquiries can be answered accurately; the reliability of this data highly depends on the table structure of the design. These rules need to be followed as one mistake alone can be detrimental to a business’s operation and function.

Learn How To Design A Good Database Design

For a company dealing with huge bulks of data, it is a must to have a good database design to make sure no mistakes are made when using these data.The design must be made to make sure it can handle information accurately, queries should be carried out without any mistakes and swiftly, moreover, information entries should also be able to be performed swiftly with no redundant information.

A database design has to make sure the structure is able to provide and keep up with the work of the company without bringing them any burden or mistakes.

Table of Content

  • What is Database Design?
  • Methods to Design a Database
  • Phases of a Database Design
    • 1. Conceptual Phase
    • 2. Logical Phase
    • 3. Physical Phase
  • Steps to Designing a Database
    • 1. Know Why You Need A Database
    • 2. Collect the Necessary Data
    • 3. Distribute the Data into Tables and Columns
    • 4. Primary key and Composite key
    • 5. Define the Relationship of Your Entities in the Table
    • 6. Experiment With the Design
    • 7. Implement normalization rules
  • Conclusion

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