What is Codomain?

Codomain of a function refers to the set of all possible values that the function can theoretically map to, irrespective of whether all these values are achieved by the function. In other words, it represents the set of all possible values that the function could map elements from the domain.

The codomain of a function f, denoted as codomain(f) or cod(f), is the set that contains all possible output values of the function.

For example, consider a function f: X→Y, where X is the set of inputs (also known as the domain) and Y is the set of outputs (the codomain). If f(x) = x2 and X is the set of real numbers (R), the codomain Y can be defined as the set of all real numbers (R).

Difference between Codomain and Range

Codomain is the set that contains all possible values that the function can output, Range of a function, on the other hand, is the set of all output values that are actually attained by the function. Although they might seem similar initially, but they have different meanings and uses.

This article will explain the meaning of co-domain and range of a function along with the difference between codomain and range.

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FAQs on Difference between Codomain and Range

Can the range and the codomain be the same?...

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