What is Bash Script?

Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is the command language/command interpreter introduced as the shell (Bourne Shell) replacement. Brian Fox developed it in 1989 for the GNU Project. A Bash script contains a set of commands to automate the task execution. 

It also includes imperative programming, such as conditional constructs, loops, functions, etc. Hence, Bash is a powerful tool in Linux used for data crunching, automated backups, system administration, custom script creation, web development, and many more. A Bash script is a text file having the .sh as the extension.

Why is Bash Script Popular?

You can create the Bash script easily, even if you are a beginner in programming. If you understand commands, you can create any Bash script, whether simple or complex. Bash script offers high flexibility, which means you can start your programming journey through it. 

A bash script helps you to automate tasks through a simple script. Moreover, debugging and auditing Bash scripts is very easy because tracking the activities on the command line is simple. 

Benefits and Limitations of Bash Script

The following table will give you a brief about the major benefits and limitations of the Bash:

Benefits Limitations
Simple to write and portable Slow execution speed
Can execute multiple commands easily Includes a little lesser data structure than other programming languages.
Supports interactive debugging Limited and a specific usability 
Available in almost every Linux distro Issues with the implementation and the design of the script

Is Bash Script Better Than Python?

Programming languages let you create programs and various online solutions like web apps, games, mobile apps, etc. There are multiple computer languages online that you can use to automate, assemble, interpret, and manage data processing. Programming languages like Bash and Python are prevalent among developers. 

Mainly system administrators use Bash because this programming language is used to perform repetitive tasks accurately. On the other side, Python is a structured language specifically used to complete tasks efficiently. Hence, Bash and Python are developed for different purposes, but many users always need clarification about which is better. So this guide will answer whether Bash Script is better than Python or not.


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