What is Autocrine Signaling?

Autocrine is a special cell signaling process in the body. Not only in the human body, can such a process be seen in other animal bodies also. Scientists often termed the signaling as Self Signaling. As the name suggests, the signaling process can be done on the same cell only. That means in cell signaling, the chemicals are used to communicate with some other cells. It might be a cell that is located near the secreted cells. Or sometimes, the chemical needs to travel a long distance to work. But in this case, the secreted cell is itself targeted.

That means the chemical which is secreted from the cell is going to accept by the same cell. These special types of cells are not going to be attached to different cells in their location. Sometimes, a cell needs to perform some functions on its own, but there are no commanding elements present in the cells. So, they secrete some chemicals from it & when they will be attached to the same cell the function will be done.

In Autocrine signaling, the chemicals which are secreted from the cells are known as Autocrine Chemicals. Often, they might be hormones or some local chemicals which react in the cells. And the receptors which are going to accept those chemicals are known as the Autocrine Receptor. With the collaboration of the chemicals & the receptors, the Autocrine Signaling process will happen.

Autocrine Signaling: Definition, Function & Example

Autocrine Signaling is a cell signaling process in the human body. Signaling is the process that will help to comminate one cell with another. There are several cell signaling processes are present in the human body. Among them, Autocrine Signaling is a separate cell signaling process. Often a cell sends signals to other cells, that cell might present at a distance or place near to the said cell. But the autocrine signaling is completely different from those signaling processes.

Different organs are connected with the brain with the help of the nervous system, but there are no nervous systems present in between the cells. But the cells need to interact with each from time to time. For all that cases, chemical elements help to do so. Depending upon the connection between the cells, there are some divisions present. Among those divisions, Autocrine Signaling is one of the major types of cell signaling.

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Characteristics of Autocrine Signaling

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Examples of Autocrine Signaling

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FAQs on Autocrine Signaling

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