What is an Internship?

An internship is the phase of time for students when they are trained for the skill they are good at and it gives them a chance to apply their knowledge practically in industries. AICTE has also made internships compulsory for engineering students.

Here are some facts about the internship that will give you a clear idea of why it’s beneficial for the students or freshers.

  • A survey conducted by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) in the Co-op survey disclosed that around 44% of new employees came from the employee internship program.
  • Another survey conducted by NACE in April disclosed that the conversion rate for interns into full-time employment rate was around 58%.
  • A survey conducted in 2015-16 revealed that nearly 60% of students are unemployed after completing their engineering due to a lack of required skills and experience.
  • A study conducted by Wallaroo Media revealed that 65% of paid internships turned into full-time job offers and 39% internships unpaid turned into full-time job opportunities

Why Internships are Important for Engineering Students or Freshers?

One of the most common and biggest issues freshers have to deal with when they are applying for a job is work experience. In today’s competitive world, every employer is looking for the best candidate with work experience. Getting a degree is not good enough for a student to secure a good job, they need industrial experience and here internship plays a crucial role.

Internships are vital for engineering students and freshers, offering practical experience, skill development, and career opportunities. This article explores their crucial role in shaping future engineers’ paths to success.

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What is an Internship?


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